Falling Back

Sarah Kittle

Autumn is a time of contemplation; it is when we take stock of where we are and perhaps re-evaluate and adjust our trajectory for the future. For many, it seems like an end – the end of summer, the end of the season, the end of the year drawing to a close. Early next month, on the 5th of November to be exact, our clocks will turn back for perhaps the last time, if opponents of Daylight Savings Time (DST) have their wish.

But “falling back” is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, falling back means taking extra time to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells along the way. Here in Michigan, the spectacular colors of the trees’ changing hue is unmatched, save for a few New England states. Fall produce like apples and cranberries grace our orchards before they grace our tables. You can literally smell the earth in the fall in Michigan. How lucky we are to live here!

You may know that we are advocating for the return of property to Christians from Iraq who have been displaced and their lands and homes confiscated. Weam Namou writes about a Chaldean political activist named Diya Butros Sliwa, who recently gave a talk hosted by the Iraqi Human Rights Society in the US. Sliwa has been fighting for the rights of religious minorities in Iraq for more than two decades and takes the ruling government in Iraq to task for neither protecting them nor the women and children who live in the community.

Our cover story this month tells the sad story of an alcohol ban in Iraq that will stifle the productivity and livelihood of many Christians still living there. For some, this is seen as another way to oust them from the country and take what is theirs. Add the fact that the Chaldean Patriarch has removed himself to Erbil and you have another recipe for disaster.

Speaking of recipes, Chaldean Kitchen returns this month with a special dish. Aida Yousif invited CN staff into her home and shared with them the recipe for “Mommy’s Salad.” It is fresh, healthy, and fulfilling – but don’t tell the kids!

And of course, October means Halloween and trick-or-treating for some. Our Family Time article focuses on the hocus-pocus of it all but in non-traditional ways, like hosting scary movie nights or making your own haunted house. If you don’t want your kids trick-or-treating, we have options.

Parents having options is what the article about the Great School Initiative (GSI) is about. Parents had issues with certain school mandates and organized to make their protests known. The GSI was born and is gaining momentum. Educational content and curriculum can be changed, it just takes time and perseverance. Which is what the champions of Sureth in schools have demonstrated in their push to include the language in the local school system. It happened in Illinois and may be happening here soon.

Fall is also a great time to fall in love, although the road to happily ever after may have some potholes. Beshar Shukri (first-time writer!) shares his tale of speed dating in a guest column. Lydia Michael’s new book, Brand Love, just came out and it is a great read.

Turn the page for more, fall back into the cushions and enjoy!

Sarah Kittle

Editor in Chief