Posts tagged chaldean mob
On leadership, Trump and sociopathy

At the University of Pennsylvania in the early 1990’s I took a leadership class as part of my graduate program. It was a one day a week, four-hour class from 2:00 – 6:00 on Wednesdays. One of the chief ways you study leadership is to study leaders. And that’s what we did. We spent a lot of time dissecting common characteristics in leaders and powerful people.

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Poor governance to blame at MSU

Two are older than 80 years. One of them coached the 1988 Michigan State Rose Bowl Championship football team.  I was in Pasadena that year as a 21 year old. The other octogenarian has served in this capacity for over 30 years. Two others are former MSU football players. One of them played professional football. Another is a lobbyist; another a former legislator.

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Opioid epidemic reaches crisis proportions

Two-thirds of all people that ever hit the age of 65 years old in the history of the world are alive today. In the United States alone, approximately 10,000 per day turn 65.Those are staggering demographic statistics that will impact the U.S. economy and public policy in areas like health care, employment and more. But those demographics also speak head on to another point. People are living longer than ever due to advances in science, medicine and technology.

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