Goals for the New Year

The New Year is officially here and we wanted to know what goals or resolutions the community has their sights set on in 2020. We posed the question: what are your New Year’s resolutions?

My New Year’s resolution is going to be two things. I’m going to try and not fail out of school and simultaneously try and not worry about my mounting debt! I’m kidding I won’t fail, but I’ll still be in debt! Happy New Years!

Alan Alnajjar, 24, West Bloomfield

I’m going to sell a minimum of $7,000,000 in real Estate and flip 5 houses then take all those profits and re invest into an apartment complex in Dallas, Texas. Also, I’m going to workout until I look like a body builder. I’m going to run a marathon. I’m going to build relationships with everyone and help out a lot of people.

Jevareio Gasso, 22, Sterling Heights

I don’t generally make a New Year’s resolution because I feel that anytime I do, I end up breaking it. So, now I don’t believe in making a New Year’s resolution because I believe I can take initiative and change my life throughout the year rather than waiting to make an improvement on something until then.

Mary Atty, 25, West Bloomfield

My New Year’s resolutions are to keep from taking anything for granted in this life and to grow my family’s business, Window World, to new heights. We have got to stop and be thankful for all of the changes life throws our way. Work hard but also be sure to slow down and take the time to appreciate everything.

Niahl Sheena, 24, Keego Harbor

Honestly, I don’t think resolutions should only be a “New Year” construct, but if I had to choose— I want to be better about living in the present. Often times we get so caught up worrying about things that have already happened, or worse, things that we can’t entirely control. We forget to stop and enjoy exactly where we are in life. We stop to snap a photo because we think we’ll end up with tangible memories, but we never really take the time to soak in how we’re feeling when we’re happy and enjoying life— or even when we’re down and could be reflecting on the positives of whatever the situation might be. Whatever this year brings, I’m hoping to immerse myself in every moment.

Shahad Al Naber, 25, Macomb

I have a couple: stop smoking nicotine, go to the gym 4-5 times a week and eat cleaner, be a little more organized, and be a little closer to family. Hopefully I can accomplish all those things during the upcoming year!

Anthony Rasho, 23, Shelby Township

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