Love & Self Reflection

Paul Jonna, Acting Editor in Chief

Paul Jonna, Acting Editor in Chief

February is not only the month St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated, it is also the month when wedding planning begins.

Weddings take months, even years of planning, and COVID has thrown us all off our game. Contributing writer Paul Natinsky talks with wedding planning experts about what to expect this season in “Bringing Back Romance.” Love isn’t all parties and pageantry, either. You need food!

Amira Daboul talked with Sarah Kittle this month about her newly published cookbook, Awafi from Amira’s Kitchen. The book is a compilation of authentic Chaldean dishes that are filled with love from the people that cooked the recipes for years. Each recipe is painstakingly laid out and dedicated to someone she loves.

You’ll also find sayings scattered throughout such as, “Cooking with family is never a chore…” In fact, on page 82 you’ll find her Aunt Kurjia’s recipe that I’ve always known as Nana’s Arook.

In “COVID and the Community,” we take a look at how our community is dealing with the virus. Now that we have a new president, it’s a good time for some reflection and introspection. As regards to COVID and the vaccination, let’s take a look at what we know and what we don’t know.

We know that COVID kills; we know that President Biden is making it a priority of his administration to combat this virus; and we know that there are three vaccines available, and more in development.

What we don’t know is the longterm effects of the vaccine, but we do know the long-term effects of other vaccinations that are similar in nature. I urge everyone to use logic when making decisions because emotions change. We cannot be blind to viewpoints that differ from our own.

If we want self-determination as a community, we need to gather all the necessary information and facts at our disposal at such time to make an informed and objective decision. Our own personal logic and emotions may change but moral standards and conviction do not, or should not. Our morals and convictions are always tested by outside influences.

We are in a dangerous place when the ends justify the means. This is a time for honest, thoughtful, well informed decisions and for breaking self-boundaries to encourage healthy growth. In “Self Love,” three mental health professionals, who also happen to be best friends, provide much needed tips for healing and self-care.

From a scientific perspective, Dr. Samir Jamil explains the COVID vaccines and how they work in the column The Doctor Is In.

Dr. Adhid Miri makes history come alive again in “Southfield Manor,” as we look back on the characters who frequented the “club” in its heyday. He also pens a piece called “Traditional Chaldean Weddings,” that entertains as well as educates. Dr. Miri’s stories are always full of familiar names and they take us back to a simpler time and to the Iraq of memory.

Help us keep those memories alive by sending your pictures and stories to

The Iraq of memory is not the Iraq that the Pope will visit when he goes there in all his papal glory. In “The Pope in Iraq,” we hear that Pope Francis’ hope is for all believers to unite for healing. His tour includes Ur and the Nineveh Plains and will happen in March, God willing.

With Gratitude,

Paul Jonna

Acting Editor in Chief

Chaldean News Staff