What is a New Year's Resolution that you wish you kept?

I wish I would have read the Bible more often. I definitely did that through quarantine but fell off after the lockdown had ended. I feel this year was a great opportunity to do that and an important one as well because we learned that life is short and full of unexpectedness.

– Arleena Saroki

I always make my career my priority. I wanted to put more effort on working out, adoration, my relationships with friends/family, and meeting new people. The stay at home made me work more than ever.

– Rita Somo

Every single New Year’s, I make a resolution to stop drinking coffee/Red Bull and fail every year. I blame my job. Don’t go to law school.

– Sam Jarbo

I wish I would have kept and started my New Years’ resolution on January 1st like I promised myself. It was to take charge of my health! Like many, our goal is to lose weight and get in shape. Although I have now started my journey in July 2020 and am down 50lbs, I can only image having started in January and seeing how far I would have come. All in all I’m looking forward to new New Year’s resolutions!

– Melody Khommoro

A New Year’s resolution I wish I kept is spending less time on social media. I wanted to spend more time in the present moment when I was with family and friends rather than being indulged in social media. It also causes a lot of stress and can drain one’s energy. I will definitely attempt to tackle this resolution again!

– Janel Hakim

A New Year’s resolution I wish I had kept was to stay productive & on top of my priorities especially with college coming up!

– Isabelle Dally

My new year’s resolution was to travel more. I had an entire trip planned around the world. My stops were set for Japan, Greece, and the Maldives. Unfortunately, when I found out that all traveling was canceled in March, I was devastated. However, I am grateful that my brother Dom was able to install some software on my computer (Google Earth), so I could see those sights from the safety of my own home!

– Destiny Dabish

I wish I kept my New Year’s resolution to eat health/work out multiple times a week. With COVID restrictions, it becomes a very challenging time to stick with my resolution as a result of all the things that have changed. But, hard work will prevail in the end.

– Matt Hermiz

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