
The sudden onset of the coronavirus crisis has changed everyone’s lives. How have things changed for you?

Life doesn’t happen to us, rather it happens for us, and the coronavirus is giving us the reset we desperately needed. My hours at work have become longer as we advise companies through the constant change. I have sat down with my family for every meal the past week, which seems impossible most days! The change requires me to bring more humanity, empathy and kindness to my interactions. I believe God is giving us an opportunity to slow down, be human, and pray.

—Morgan Garmo, 23, West Bloomfield

How I’m dealing with COVID-19 is self-quarantining and staying in New York City instead of coming home to my family in Michigan. I’m a PA student in my clinical rotations who is supposed to graduate in May; I was exposed at the hospital and don’t have any symptoms, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have it. Not being allowed to help in the hospital or go home to my family has been the most difficult part of this, especially because I feel fine, but it’s what is necessary right now.

—Morgan Ammori, 25, New York City/West Bloomfield

Wash your hands or sanitize after every time you interact with others. Take care of yourself (take vitamins, have a healthy diet to help build your immune system). Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands, shower every night before bed, make sure you’re washing your sheets, clothes, and disinfecting anything you have brought in from the outside regularly.

—Merna Yaldo, 20, Sterling Heights

During the coronavirus, I will stay home and spend lots of time with my husband and kids. I will try to think positive. I will be my kid’s teacher. I will also do creative things with my family like fill a jar up with notes about our favorite memory for that day. We will do lots of painting and drawing. We will play restaurant, bake together, have movie nights, dance parties, and enjoy all the blessings that come with being quarantined with my family.

—Rena Kassa, 35, Sterling Heights

During COVID-19 I am practicing social distancing, washing my hands and all surfaces constantly and avoiding touching my face. I am FaceTiming my loved ones and enjoying the extra time I’m getting at home with my parents. As a college student, I am doing all of my work online and trying to read as much as possible. Most importantly, I am focusing on my self-care to manage the anxious and chaotic times we’ve been faced with. 

—Stephanie Marroki, 24, Shelby Township

I’ve been trying to drink lots of water and keep hydrated, because from what I’m reading the virus attacks the lungs and blocks passage ways. I’ve also been washing my hands every 30 minutes and keeping travel hand-sanitizer on me. My elderly mother lives with me, so I’ve had to stay away from her by staying in my room, giving her the rest of the house so she feels comfortable.

—Freddie Rashid, 43, Shelby Twp. 

My wife works in healthcare so it’s important for me to be supportive during this time. It makes staying home easier because I know people like her are out there doing what they can everyday to save people’s lives. Being persistent in prayer and replacing fear with faith is the focus for my family. Wishing good health to you all during this time!

— Randy Hopkins, 28 , West Bloomfield 

I feel like besides staying home and sanitizing, I think this gives us an opportunity to start really focusing on our bodies as a whole. Nutrients and clean eating. Using less to pollute our world and more to help our environment.

— Susan Arrow, 31, Clinton Township